The Republicans won't fucking quit for years...
UPDATE: They postponed the decision to vote on bringing it to the ballot til November.
Massachusetts is facing another gay marriage debate as the "Concerned for Families even though we want to break them up" hypcrites are pushing an ammendment to end the civil right.
The legislature is set to vote on sending it to the public ballot, so the gays best be rallying support or they are all going to lose their marriage licenses they have already been granted.
This is some fucked up shit, I don't see the state hurting from allowing it, but you know those crazy right wingers gotta get their way so they can rub it in everyone's faces how much better they are (if living in a trailer is better, then ok).
I think they need to focus on their own failed marriages, rather than rally against ones that work. Quit bangin your secretary and blaming all your problems on everyone else, Timmy!
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