
June 22, 2006

Get your feak on bitches, condoms help prevent HPV!

A new study shows that condoms are 70% more likely to prevent HPV, a sexually transmitted disease that causes cervical cancer.

Abstinence proponents always claimed that condoms did not prevent it, thus girls should keep their legs together until married.

My big thing is that all these abstinence people are doing by being against all kinds of birth control, are causing more fuckin ghetto and white trash babies to be born. Quit telling girls to stop having sex and say,

"Look bitch, you need to stop bein a slut, but if not, here ya go so we don't have to see your ugly premi baby cause you are only 12.5 years old, you shouldn't be poppin out no babies for at least 12 more years!"

So yeah, buy some condoms (you can get STDs from the butt too, so be sure to wrap it up... no glove, no love!)

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