
May 11, 2006

Yeah, having a President named Jeb wouldn't make us seem like a backwater country

GW said that Jeb, his brother, would make a great President. That is if having a death toll almost as high as his big brothers in his state prison system is a qualification, then yeah.

But honestly, Jeb said he wasn't thinking about it. You know his ass won't run cause there is no way in hell he could win.

Would we want even more Bushes in the White House? His name is fucking Jeb. How ridiculous would we look at the United Nations peace conference if our commander in chief was all like, "Howdy y'all, I'm the President of the United States, Jeb, uheeyuh..."

Plus he's an asshole. And if we keep indulging pussies and assholes, we're gonna end up with shit everywhere.

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