
April 19, 2006

Bush's press secretaries come and go as often as Clinton's interns

GW has lost yet another press secretary as Scott McLellan is leaving the white house. Don't you wonder why Bush can't keep one for more than 3 years? Fleischer quit in 2003, and now McLellan in 2006.

I think they are too busy having to lie and threaten the press to get good publicity for the president, that and having to deal with all the gay porn stars (but you know some of them *ahem* Karl Rove *ahem* like that...).

Karl Rove has also decided to "focus" on the mid-term elections and stepped down as deputy chief of staff. That's cause his ass is always in trouble and he's lucky he hasn't been indicted.

Maybe McLellan is leaving because his momma is running for governor of Texas and pissing off the Republicans cause she's running as an Independent, as well as running against the incumbent governor who was hand picked by Bush.

Either way, it's nice to see a shake up in the white house so we can get even more bitches who would be more qualified for a county fair pie eating contest (mmm pie...).

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